Selasa, 09 Oktober 2012

Surabaya, in your face!

It's 10.50 pm here in my aunt's as usual, accompanied by mosquitoes of which I think multiply in a matter of seconds. -____- *thanks anyway for sucking my blood, helps me regenerate those blood cells :p bored as usual, got nothing to do..I decided to pay a visit to my garbage can a.k.a blog :| Soooooo...lemme update you with couple of things happens around me nowadays... let's start form my office. I already told you that I've been working as trychologist in one of hair clinics in surabaya. Well, everything went smoothly at work. I just want to share few things about the funny (and sometimes 'bizzare' ) situation at my office. I got a boss named Mrs.C, age around 56 to eternity but always says that she's only 53. (_ _) She's one of its kind. A very rare species, I believe. And I strongly suggest that we don't let this one multiplies for the sake of human race. 0_0 Anyway, she's a very notorious person who never trust anybody, blames everybody and has the ability to stick on her opinion even if the president itself says she's wrong. She'll just laugh and say that Mr. President is stupid idiot. T____T One of the example of her madness happened not long ago. It was around 10 am. I was just change my clothes into 'suitable doctorlike looks'. She's watching an infotainment. I went outside to make my daily coffee, then went inside our room again to drink it while playing sudoku on my BB. Here's the conversation happened at that time: M (me) : (concentrating on sudoku level genius, nearly crack her brain) Mrs.C : watching TV ..... 15 minutes goes in silence ..... M : (still concentrating, almost finish the game) Mrs.C : (stand up, walk towards the cabinet and suddenly...) Why does he always does that to every woman? Who's his ex-wife name? Do you think it's fair, M? M : .... Mrs.C : M,what's going to happen to his children? M : (back to earth, realize that Mrs.Dodododooo is talking to her but doesn't understand what she meant, probably using Bruackdhfe languange from another galaxy) Hah?! Who? (looking at TV programs, it was cooking time..brain start cracking) Mrs.C : Mr. X, security guard on my house. M : HAAAAAAHHHHH????!!! (Brain freezed o_O) Mrs.C : the security guard on my house is a playboy, I heard he is going to marry another woman from nearby village. What do you think,M? M : *&^YHGSR@$#%$^ (feeling as if she's just landed in Planet DJSlksfe and met the inhabitant) I don't know, Ma'am...I have no idea who he is, nor his ex-wife name. Mrs.C : (laughing sarcastically) Hahaha, you're still young don't understand that marriage is complicated and not as happy as you think you see. Hahaha..poor you.. M : hehehe... (stand up, walk away and hit her head to nearby bathroom's wall)

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