Kamis, 25 Maret 2010

Good Day,everybody.. ^^

It's 12.18 pm

I'm on a project site, PT. Sandang Indo Pratama, Tangerang..waiting for the products. Borrriiiinggg..80% at 13.00pm for the black color, PO 9,861 pcs / 204 pcs sample. It means I can only start to inspect the garment around 15.00pm..phewww!
The other color, Navy, is expected to be ready 100% at 18.00 pm, PO 5,399 pcs / 111 pcs sample.
Well, I can assure you, I'd be at my room around 4.00 am tomorrow.

Really, waiting is an annoying activity! :p

Ahh, I love working so much!^^ It distracts me from thinking about a lot of unnecessary n negatif thoughts. I really hope I can be a Senior Inspector so I can go around the country, become a very busy n important person. So Dearest God, make this dream come true, if You can't grant my other dream..cos I need to be so damn busy,if that dream is just a dream for me. ^^

Fellas, most people use blog to share thoughts..I use it to make a conversation with my head,cos sometimes, we're so disconnected that I can't understand what I really want or do. This is my way to synchronize my body, mind, soul and heart. Sounds silly? Try putting yourself in me, see if you can handle it.
(If you can,please be kind and let me know how, I'm going insane here trying to control myself ...hihihi :D)

Hey, don't you think I'm talking trash here?I just read what I wrote from top to bottom, and I believe that the writer must be somekind of crazy schizophrenic maniac or very disoriented hwakakakakakz :)))

God, I miss him!

Wam,I love you so much...huuuuuu,I'm getting crazier than I thought!

Ciao for now, Angels!


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