Jumat, 20 Februari 2015

Well, hellowwwwww...!!!

February 20 2015 17:54 Office Hai, one of my colleague suddenly asked me if I had a blog, thus I showed her this. Somehow, it makes me kinda sad knowing that I have stop writing in this blog since 2012.. it's like 3 years agooooo...NOOOO!!! So here I am, coming back for let's just see how long. I'm a very procrastinated and indecisive person anyway. #lol I haven't write a single poem too. WOW! So wait for my dramatic comeback! Ciao for now! :* XOXO

Selasa, 09 Oktober 2012

Surabaya, in your face!

It's 10.50 pm here in my aunt's house...hot as usual, accompanied by mosquitoes of which I think multiply in a matter of seconds. -____- *thanks anyway for sucking my blood, helps me regenerate those blood cells :p bored as usual, got nothing to do..I decided to pay a visit to my garbage can a.k.a blog :| Soooooo...lemme update you with couple of things happens around me nowadays... let's start form my office. I already told you that I've been working as trychologist in one of hair clinics in surabaya. Well, everything went smoothly at work. I just want to share few things about the funny (and sometimes 'bizzare' ) situation at my office. I got a boss named Mrs.C, age around 56 to eternity but always says that she's only 53. (_ _) She's one of its kind. A very rare species, I believe. And I strongly suggest that we don't let this one multiplies for the sake of human race. 0_0 Anyway, she's a very notorious person who never trust anybody, blames everybody and has the ability to stick on her opinion even if the president itself says she's wrong. She'll just laugh and say that Mr. President is stupid idiot. T____T One of the example of her madness happened not long ago. It was around 10 am. I was just change my clothes into 'suitable doctorlike looks'. She's watching an infotainment. I went outside to make my daily coffee, then went inside our room again to drink it while playing sudoku on my BB. Here's the conversation happened at that time: M (me) : (concentrating on sudoku level genius, nearly crack her brain) Mrs.C : watching TV ..... 15 minutes goes in silence ..... M : (still concentrating, almost finish the game) Mrs.C : (stand up, walk towards the cabinet and suddenly...) Why does he always does that to every woman? Who's his ex-wife name? Do you think it's fair, M? M : .... Mrs.C : M,what's going to happen to his children? M : (back to earth, realize that Mrs.Dodododooo is talking to her but doesn't understand what she meant, probably using Bruackdhfe languange from another galaxy) Hah?! Who? (looking at TV programs, it was cooking time..brain start cracking) Mrs.C : Mr. X, security guard on my house. M : HAAAAAAHHHHH????!!! (Brain freezed o_O) Mrs.C : the security guard on my house is a playboy, I heard he is going to marry another woman from nearby village. What do you think,M? M : *&^YHGSR@$#%$^ (feeling as if she's just landed in Planet DJSlksfe and met the inhabitant) I don't know, Ma'am...I have no idea who he is, nor his ex-wife name. Mrs.C : (laughing sarcastically) Hahaha, you're still young M..you don't understand that marriage is complicated and not as happy as you think you see. Hahaha..poor you.. M : hehehe... (stand up, walk away and hit her head to nearby bathroom's wall)

Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

this is what we called interruption

it's been a long time since my last post. To be honest, I forgot my account name wkwkwkwk
So, I've been working on this hair clinic as trichologist. I diagnose and -hopefully- cure people's illness in connection to their hairloss and baldness. I've got a lot to learn, and now I have a job offer from the competitor which making me confuse as well as dreaming.
It's been a while since I'm making drama on my life...of which I always did in the past..ffuuuh
So the question is, will I make the right decision for my future. So help me Allah. 0:)


Jumat, 18 Februari 2011

iseng iseng kenyaaaang :D

Habis iseng pengen bikin kue ,daripada bengong dirumah..penggangguran siyh -__-
Anyway, baru nemu beberapa resep gampang nih..terutama buat yang pemula and gak mau ribet, plus gak perlu oven hehehe...cekidot!


* 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
* 3 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
* 1 teaspoon salt
* 1 tablespoon white sugar
* 1 1/4 cups milk
* 1 egg
* 3 tablespoons butter, melted


1. In a large bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, salt and sugar. Make a well in the center and pour in

the milk, egg and melted butter; mix until smooth.
2. Heat a lightly oiled griddle or frying pan over medium high heat. Pour or scoop the batter onto the griddle,

using approximately 1/4 cup for each pancake. Brown on both sides and serve hot.


bahan isi:
250g daging giling
1sdm chicken seasoning
100g margarin
75g bawang bombay, cincang halus
150g terigu
350ml susu cair
merica bubuk, pala bubuk, garam dan gula pasir sesuai selera
minyak goreng yg banyak

bahan pelapis:
tepung panir
2btr telur, kocok lepas

cara membuat:
masak daging di wajan utk mengeringkan dagingnya (tdk usah diberi minyak), tambahkan 1sdm chicken seasoning,

lelehkan margarin, tumis bawang bombay hingga kuning dan harum, masukan tepung terigu, aduk rata. tuang susu, aduk

cepat supaya tdk bergumpal, bubuhi merica, pala, garam dan gula sesuai selera, masukan daging, aduk rata, angkat

dari api, angin2kan sebentar.
bentuk bulatan seperti bakso, gulingkan pada tepung panir, celupkan kedalam kocokan telur, gulingkan kembali pada

tepung panir. lakukan hal yg sama hingga adonan habis. goreng hingga kuning kecoklatan menggunakan minyak panas yg



Bahan-Bahan :
350 gram Tepung terigu
185 gram Gula Pasir
3 butir Telur
15 gram Baking Powder
20 gram Cake Emulsifier
170 cc Air

Cara Mengolah :

1.Kocok telur, air, gula, dan cake emulsifier selama 2 menit.
2.Masukan tepung terigu dan baking powder, kocok lagi 1 menit.
3.Tuang adonan dalam cetakan, tabur dengan hiasan sesuai selera.
4.Kukus selama 25 menit.


5 btr telur bebek »saya pake telur ayam
1bh bawang bombay ukuran sedang (+50g), cincang
100g udang kupas, cincang
100g daging kepiting, cincang
minyak untuk menggoreng

saus asam manis:
1sdm margarin
2siung bawang putih, cincang
2bh cabe merah, buang bijinya dan iris tipis menyerong
2cm jahe, cincang
50g wortel, iris bentuk korek
200ml air kaldu
5sdm saus tomat
1sdt cuka
2sdt gula pasir
1sdt tepung maizena, larutkan dgn sedikit air
50g kacang polong beku
1btg daun bawang, iris
merica dan garam secukupnya

cara membuat:
fuyunghai: kocok telur, masukan seluruh bahan, aduk rata. goreng adonan hingga terendam dalam minyak, balikan

setelah bagian bawahnya matang, lanjutkan menggoreng hingga matang, angkat, tiriskan dan atur dipiring saji,

saus asam manis: tumis bawang putih hingga tercium harumnya, masukan cabe merah, jahe, dan wortel, lanjutkan

menumis sebentar, tambahkan air kaldu, saus tomat, cuka, gula pasir, tepung maizena, kacang polong dan daun bawang,

bubuhi garam sesuai selera, aduk rata, cicipi dan masak hingga mengental, angkat dan siramkan diatas gorengan telur.

250 ml minyak sayur

250 g tepung terigu Cakra Kembar
1 butir telur ayam
1/2 sdt garam
1/2 sdm margarin
100 ml air

3 butir telur bebek
4 batang daun bawang, iris halus
1 siung abwang putih, cincang halus
75 g daging sapi cincang, sangrai hingga kering
1/2 sdt merica bubuk
1 sdt garam

Cara membuat:
# Kulit: Campur semua bahan. Aduk hingga kalis. Bagi adonan menjadi 12 bagian. Bulatkan dan lumuri sedikit minyak

sayur agar tidak kering. Diamkan selama 1 jam.
# Isi: Kocok telur bebek. Tambahkan bahan lainnya kocok rata.
# Panaskan minyak dalam wajan datar di atas api sedang.
# Ambil 1 bagian adonan, gilas hingga tipis.
# Bentangkan ke atas wajan berisi minyak.
# Tuangkan adonan isi di tengahnya. Lipat bentuk amplop. Masak hingga kedua sisinya kuning kecokelatan dan kering.
# Angkat, potong-potong. Sajikan.

Untuk 16 potong

Catatan: resep isi untuk 1 bagian kulit.

Senin, 07 Februari 2011

Blah Blah...

Good Afternoon,lads..I have a sudden need to speak British!
It's been a while since I'm blogging, but why do I have to anyway? :)

Alright,I'm into reptiles and strange stuffs right now,,I have 3 geckos in front of my room right now, courtesy of my dearest Oji Sama.. *thanks Love:)
Fifi, Ivan and Figo..the last one is the youngest, a 4 months lizard with hi-yellow color and spots.Kinda cute. Actually I was planning on having one gecko for life, but somebody is fascinated by this cute creature that he can't help himself buying another one..and another one :p

Anyway, as jobless as I can be..I enjoy my lots of 'spare time' with movies and songs.I'm trying to find a new job to life, of course, and to find a reason to practically depressed myself and bury me in deep shit. Oh sarkasm, sarkasm..life can never be great without it :D

Oh hey,I'm making a novel right now..it was a short story at first, but grew into almost 6 pages now..so who knows, maybe it will swell into 300 pages like my thesis. But I haven't touch it for 2 weeks now..I'm bored :D

So, pray for my indecisive act,fellas..I'll be back..if I feel like it :p

Jumat, 24 September 2010

some some

A whiter shade of pale, a title of song I didn't remember how it sounds nor who the singer is. But I really love the illuminate feeling from the words. Gives a lot of different meaning from a different perspective I somehow get when this title came across my mind.

Every now and then there will be some title of song that swimming in front of me, or a bunch of words fly by near my eyes. Some I can figure, some don't. I don't really understand how or why this happens, but believe me, everything always happens for a reason.

Like this Nickelback - How You Remind Me song I hear when I type this blog, it keeps tangled on my ear "..I've been wrong, I've been drown to the bottom of every bottle.."
or the Puddle of Mudd - Blurry that scream gently on my ear "...Nobody told me what you thought, nobody told me what to say,everyone showed you where to turn, told you when to runaway, nobody told you where to hide, nobody told you what to say, everyone showed you where to turn, showed you when to runaway..."

Sabtu, 18 September 2010


I don't remember when, I don't remember how, I don't remember why...

The sky looks this dull but bright
The air feels this damp but fresh
The rain drops this hard but soft

I don't know when, I don't know how, I don't know why...

The mind shut down but alive
The dream retreat but emerge
The soul frozen but warm

fall and upside down, dead and gone...start from scratch,hunt and dispatch
suffocated by the dark, paralyzed by the light
the mind wishes to be bind, the riff of stiff
when the purified regenerate